
FIW25 - Feldenkrais Intensive, Wellington, Saturday 12th to Monday 14th April 2025

Our ninth annual and very popular three-day, 12-lesson event: see our flyer

I organise this event for the New Zealand Feldenkrais Guild: for more details or to register, please contact me at (a different email address from my bodyreset one) or 021 843 467

“Isn’t it odd. We can only see our outsides, but nearly everything happens on the inside" Charlie Mackesy

Our teachers for FIW24 are:

A previous FIW participant's summary:

Day 1 What am I doing here? This is crazy, we aren't doing anything. It is all so light and airy
Day 2 Something is happening - home to sleep 10.5 hours
Day 3 Transforming: I feel lighter - the floor is softer - I have grown 2 inches in posture and brain is open
