With your rice boiling on the side:
- Chop the
- garlic
- ginger into matchsticks, heaps of them
- pork into thin (but not too thin) chunks
- greens into lengths a handspan long, discarding any thick stalks
- In the wok:
- fry the garlic and ginger mix until starting to brown
- use a little more oil than usual as the ginger sucks it up
- add the pork and fry until cooked, but pork still moist inside
- Place pork mix in serving bowl
- Now to wok the greens:
- Add some oil and reheat
- Add greens and stir until they start to cackle
- Add homemade chicken stock (but water will suffice) and a wok lid to sauna them - judge water amount so no liquid left when greens are cooked
- Serve